Folk Dancing for Fun
When: Fridays, 10-11.30amWhere: Baptist Church Hall, 170 North Road, North East Valley, DunedinWhat: Recreational folk dance.Contact: Yvonne Reid, ph 03 455-2406 email [email protected]
Dance communities in Wellington
Bulgarian: Bulgarian Society Horo promotes, preserves and fosters Bulgarian culture, including dance, see www.facebook.com/horo.wellington Israeli: group meets Mondays, see groups page at macholpacifica.org.nz, or contact [email protected] or 021 102-9834 Mexican: free folkloric dance workshop at the embassy of Mexico, dates and times tbc, see www.facebook.com/DanzamitierraNZ Contra dance: occasional dances on a Saturday, see Contra Dance Wellington or contact Mark, 04 299-1136 Polish: The Lublin Dance Company, contact Leszek Lendnal, ph 021 383-958 or email [email protected] Scottish: Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Victoria University Folk Club
What: Vicfolk is a student-led club that hosts a range of lively events, including ceilidhs every few months. We welcome collaborative suggestions from anyone interested in putting on participatory folk music events.Contact: [email protected], website www.vicfolkmusic.wordpress.com
Balfolk Class Wellington
When: Wednesday, 6.00-7.30pm. A 6-week block between February 12th to March 19th, 2025.Where: Newtown Community Centre, Te Whare Hapori o Nga Puna Waiora, Colombo Street &, Rintoul Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021What: Social dance that gives new life to European traditional dances. Contact: Laureline Darques, email [email protected] or @balfolkwellingtonCost: $60 concession for the whole block. $15 for a casual class. Students/unwaged/concession cards: koha. Cash or bank transfer.
Dance Folkus
When: Thursdays, 7.30-9.00pm. July 25th to August 29th 2024.Where: St Aidan’s Hall, Corner of Thames & Heaphy Terrace, HamiltonWhat: Weekly dance classes. With this block, we will travel (mostly) to France and learn some core repertoire for the increasingly popular ‘Balfolk’ events that you can find in Aotearoa-New Zealand and on your next sojourn to Central Europe. The renaissance of traditional dance in a contemporary context is very popular with younger people as it is a more modern way of enjoying their culture. Dances are for everyone, regardless of experience. While the basic dances are rooted in tradition, choreographies are not fixed and improvisation is common. The music is more contemporary but retains…
Ma’ayan Israeli Dance Group
What: Israeli dance Where: Beth Shalom, 180 Manukau Rd, EpsomWhen: Wednesdays 7-9pm. All welcome.Contact: Jennifer Gottschalk, 09 480-4330 email [email protected]
International Folk Dance
What: International Folk DanceWhen: Saturday, 10-12 noon, 2-3 times per monthContact: Gwen Mann, ph 09 575-1985, 027 380-7600, email [email protected]
Folklore Chileno Latino
What: Instructions & practice lessons for traditional folk dances from South America / Latin AmericaContact: Ana-Maria, ph 09 636-6771, text 021 156-8020, email [email protected]
English Country Dance
What: English Country DanceWhere: St John the Baptist Anglican Church Hall, 47 Church St, NorthcoteWhen: Second Friday of the Month, 7.30pmContact: Karen Vernon, email [email protected]: $8Website link: englishcountrydance.org.nz
Early Dance
What: European Dance from Past CenturiesWhere: St John the Baptist Anglican Church Hall, 47 Church St, Northcote.When: Fourth Friday of the Month, 7.30pmContact: Beth Harris, ph: 09 445-9386, email [email protected]: $8